iPad, Desktop, Laptops.
You name it, we have used (using) it all for the sake of Education & Learning here locally.
In this 21st century we live in with the advancement of digital media, the education sector experiences more good than bad while learning through a screen. I personally feel that students who use these digital technologies enrich their personal lives and construct their own learning, and seem quite comfortable doing so. The immediacy, community and communucation these technologies put forth offer enhanced learning experience that make education more engaging. Thus, it is crucial that educators in this digital society must find various perspectives and practices to differentiate instruction within our classrooms.
To be able to support today's student learning, digital technologies need to be integrated into the classroom in the manner that they infuse seamlessly with traditional approaches. Among the digital technologies, Web 2.0 technology including blogs, wikipedia, and even Podcasts are receiving much attention from the researachers and educators in this field of teaching since these tools allow students to become not only content consumers but also content generators; enhancing creativity and originality. Well also, Podcasting is advategeous since it allows students to interact with multimedia such as audio and video files.
In terms of learning ease & convenience, it is evident that gone are the days where 40 pupils sit down silently in class, using their sharpened pencil and scribbling answers on exam papers. Or most of the time, struggling to write down study notes as fast as possible - to keep up with the the teacher's pace.
I was first in touch with digital media for learning in polytechnic. In my diploma course, it is compulsory and extremely essential for all of us to purchase a laptop and bring it to school everyday. And I absolutely adore the idea! Why so?
Firstly, there is no need for big bags. And trying to push all the huge computer science books into my humble haversack. It was frustrating that for 9 years, I had to carry such a heavy bag to school, and now when I'm a young adult, it would be a pain if I had to continue to do that. Thus, the Dell laptop I purchased was one of the best 'textbook' and learning tool I had in my life. Just one of that, placing it in the small laptop bag and happily bring it to school.
Secondly, taking down notes have never been easier! And it is awesome that I can take down notes fast! And I can customize it very well, be it I want it to be bold, underlined or coloured, it is instant! Highlighters can be exchanged with 2 clicks, Rulers & pens are replaced by "Bold" & "Underline" in Microsoft Words.
Thirdly, it is splendid that I am able to simply download slides from student portal and my lecturer will read it off, and teach from there. It saves a lot more space in my bag (without the textbooks) and I can keep my notes need it folders I want them to be in. I can even 'Rename' my files so as to ease my load in managing my studies.
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In Singapore, we have become so forward that Nanyang Girls' Primary School have chosen the most up-to-date Apple invention - the iPad, to establish a better education system for the girls. Lately, it has also come to my knowledge that 3 other schools are utilizing the tablet too, and they are Tampines Secondary School, Nanhua Primary School and Dunman Secondary. And in Nanyang Girls' School, the youngest is at a tender age of 12. Isn't it fantastic for a 12 year old to be able to operate an iPad which is sponsored by the school?
Comments such as, "It's much more convenient" and "Teacher can just tell us to go to a website, and we can immediately go and do our work" were spread out in the interview as I read the Yahoo article. The next best thing is, the girls do not even need training on how to use it. It seems that the teachers are the one who are having problems operating it!
Nanyang Girls High School has spent S$135,000 (about $100,000) to buy 150 iPads for 140 students and 10 teachers in a pilot project. Users connect to the Internet using the tablet, and download books and course material.
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But, behold that there are several disadvantages that do exist in choosing digital learning vs. classroom education.
While some students may do well with in this type of learning environment, it takes dedication to apply oneself to sitting at the computer to listen to lectures, and not doing other things that are non-academic. Case in point, the lecturer will usually stand in front of the class to teach. Hardly they would have the chance to walk around and chance upon their own student playing virtual games whilst the lesson is going on. Thus, discipline is very much required!
The next thing that might bother many non-technology savvy student is that, computers require up-to-date technology, software and hardware, as well as a high speed internet connection are necessary to utilize this form of learning. It is absolutely essential that they know the 'trades of the technology', or it is very easy to experience constant computer crashes and endless virus attacks.
The software in the technologies they use are already interactive. There is a high chance that with this, comes lesser discussions among the classmates or even towards the teacher. For example, if the student is unsure of something, he/she will first Goggle the meaning and solutions to the problem rather than asking the teacher. Thus, too much of technology can actually slacken the standards of a dynamic and interactive learning of a classroom.
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One of the biggest shift in the computing system is the Microsoft Surface Technology.
It is a mark of the beginning of a new technology catrgory and a user-interface revolution. This computer provides effortless interaction digital content through natural hand gestures, touch and physical objects. The tabletop computer breaks down traditional barriers between people and technology, changing the way people interact with all kinds of everyday information - from photos to maps to menus.
This technology will definitely be a big hit in the future because it is extremely versatile and flexible! It enhances effiency and effectiveness espeically for business users. In fact, it has already been tried out in a T-mobile store. The computer could could recognize a phone pulled off the wall and placed on the tabletop by a customer at a T-Mobile store. It would display features of the phone, show a pricing list and let the customer drag icons representing elements of a service plan onto the phone, before sending the virtual package to the register for purchase.
It would also be of excellent use for properties and showrooms as it is like a "virtual concierge" desk. People will be able to use the tables to access maps of the different properties, get details about events and venues and create itineraries for themselves.
Seems like Apple has a threat now....
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Learning has never been fun until online degrees and certification came into the scene. Through this type of learning, many will really benefit from it and that we should know as well that having this kind of education requires certain self-discipline to make it a successful online education for an individual.